§ 26-308. Responsibilities.

Latest version.
  • (1)

    A generator of liquid waste shall have all liquid waste material picked up from his premises by a liquid waste transporter who holds a valid permit from the city, and the liquid waste shall be transported to an approved site for disposal.


    Cleaning schedule.


    Grease interceptors shall be cleaned as often as necessary to ensure that sediment and floating materials do not accumulate to impair the efficiency of the grease interceptor; that the discharge is in compliance with local wastewater discharge limits; and, to ensure that no visible grease is observed in the discharge.


    Grease interceptors shall be completely evacuated at a minimum of every ninety (90) days, or more frequently when:


    Twenty-five (25) percent or more of the wetted height of the grease trap or grease interceptor, as measured from the bottom of the device to the invert of the outlet pipe, contains floating materials, sediment, oils or greases;


    The discharge exceeds BOD, COD, TSS, FOG, pH, or other pollutant levels established by the city manager; or,


    If there is a history of noncompliance.


    Grit traps/oil separators shall be completely evacuated based on one (1) of the two (2) following schedules:


    At a minimum of every one hundred eighty (180) days, or


    At a frequency determined by the owner/operator if all of the following best management practices are employed:


    At a minimum of once per week, all facilities with a grit trap must routinely check and perform preventive maintenance as required on all connections, valves, hoses, chemical storage containers, drains, and other equipment necessary to prevent an accidental release or slug discharge of chemicals.


    At a minimum of once per month, all facilities with a grit trap must routinely check the level of sediment in each grit trap in order to determine a maintenance schedule that will facilitate consistent compliance with all discharge limits and requirements.


    All self-service and coin-operated car wash facilities must post and maintain signs, in an area that is clearly visible to the public, directing customers not to dispose of oils or chemical wastes at the facility.


    All facilities must document the best management practices, including routine checks, preventive maintenance and repair logs, and maintain grit trap maintenance records for a minimum of three years.


    If at any time, the above practices are not being employed or the required documentation is not available for review, the owner/operator will be required to perform maintenance on the grit trap(s) immediately and once every one hundred eighty (180) days thereafter.


    Any person who owns or operates a grease interceptor may submit to the city manager a request in writing for an exception to the required pumping frequency of the grease interceptor. The city manager may grant an extension for required cleaning frequency on a case-by-case basis when:


    The grease interceptor owner/operator has demonstrated the specific interceptor will produce an effluent with no visible grease, and based on defensible analytical results, can demonstrate consistent compliance with established local discharge limits such as BOD, TSS, FOG, or other parameters as determined by the POTW; and


    Less than twenty-five (25) percent of the wetted height of the grease interceptor, as measured from the bottom of the device to the invert of the outlet pipe, contains floating materials, sediment, oils or greases.


    The city manager may also require traps to be serviced on a single-event basis or scheduled basis if deemed necessary for the proper operation of the grease interceptor or grit trap/oil separator.


    In the event that the establishment ceases operation, the establishment is required to pump the interceptor or trap before abandoning the property. If the owner of the business fails to empty the interceptor or trap, it shall become the responsibility of the property owner.


    A generator of liquid waste shall not have hazardous waste or liquid waste in combination with hazardous waste removed from his premises by a liquid waste hauler operating under a city permit.


    A generator shall verify the accuracy of the trip ticket from the transporter and then legibly complete and sign the trip ticket, to certify the statements on the trip ticket, when a load is picked up by the transporter. The generator shall keep a copy of all trip tickets for a period of three years at the site of generation, unless otherwise approved. The city manager may inspect and copy these records at any time.


    A generator shall:


    Provide equipment and facilities of a type and capacity approved by the city;


    Locate the interceptor or trap in a manner that provides ready and easy accessibility for cleaning and inspection; and


    Maintain the trap in effective operating condition.


    Not install or utilize any system, process or pretreatment involving the use of enzymes, bacteria, or other additives, nor alter the design or function of the grease interceptor or grit trap/oil separator unless approved in writing by the city manager.


    Supervise proper cleaning and complete removal of the contents of the trap.


    A generator shall maintain the grease interceptor or grit trap/oil separator and its surrounding areas in sanitary conditions, free of litter and odors.


    A generator shall immediately report spills and accidents involving liquid waste to the city manager.


    A generator shall clean up all spills and abate all unsanitary conditions immediately, and have material used for abatement, such as absorbent materials, disposed of by approved means and in a timely manner.


    A generator of washwater or other liquid waste shall:


    Contain, collect and dispose of liquid waste by approved means;


    Protect the storm sewer system and the environment from discharges of liquid waste or other contaminants;


    Use approved methods for on-site or mobile treatment of liquid waste; and


    Accurately measure, by approved means, the volume of liquid waste collected and disposed of by the transporter.


    Rates for sampling and/or analysis. Should any sampling and/or analysis be required by city staff pursuant to any provision in this article provided for generators, then the published rate for "sampling/analysis charges" that is contained in the annual City of Denton Wastewater Rate Ordinance, Schedule SEE ("Equipment Services Facilities and Restaurants & Food Services Establishments Wastewater Service") is applicable and will be charged and shall be paid by the generator.

(Ord. No. 2012-176, § 3, 8-21-12)