§ 13.04. Regulation of utilities.  

Latest version.
  • The city council shall have the power and the duty to:


    Determine, fix and regulate the charges, fares or rates of all public utilities operating within the city, provided the council shall not prescribe any rate of compensation which will yield more than a fair return upon the fair value of the physical property used and useful in rendering service to the public.


    Require such franchise holders who request an increase in rates, charges or fares to reimburse the city for reasonable expenses incurred in employing independent rate consultants to conduct investigations, present evidence and advise the council on such requested increase.


    Prescribe reasonable standards of service and quality of products to be furnished by each utility and prevent unjust discrimination.


    Require such extensions of plant and service and such maintenance of plant and fixtures as may be necessary to provide adequate and efficient service.


    Collect from every public utility operating in the city its fair and just proportion of the expense of excavating, grading, paving, repaving, constructing, reconstructing, draining, repairing, maintaining, lighting, sweeping and sprinkling such portions of the alleys, bridges, culverts, viaducts and other public places and ways of the city as may be occupied or used in whole or in part by such utilities; or compel such public utility to perform, at its own expense, its just share of such excavating, grading, paving, repaving, constructing, reconstructing, draining, repairing, maintaining, lighting, sweeping and sprinkling.


    Prescribe the form of accounts which shall be kept by each utility; provided, that if the utility shall keep its accounts in accordance with the uniform system of accounts for said utility as prescribed by the National Association of Railroad and Public Utility Commissioners, the Federal Power Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, the Railroad Commission of Texas, or their respective successors, this shall be deemed sufficient compliance with this paragraph.


    Examine or cause to be examined at any time the accounts and other records of any utility operating within the city for the purpose of ascertaining any fact relating to the business done by such utility and pertinent to the council's power of regulation.


    The council shall provide means and prescribe regulations for independent testing of all gas, water, light and other public utility meters on complaint of any person who may be dissatisfied with the readings of the employees of those utilities, whether owned by private corporations or by the City of Denton.


    Enact and enforce such reasonable regulations and restrictions as may be deemed desirable or conducive to the safety, welfare and accommodation of the public.


    The City of Denton shall have power to prohibit the use of any street, alley, highway, boulevard or grounds of the city by any telegraph, telephone, electric light, street railway, interurban railway, gas company or any other character of public utility without first obtaining the consent of the governing authorities expressed by ordinance, and upon paying such compensation as may be prescribed and upon such conditions as may be provided for by such ordinances, and the City of Denton shall have the power to require all telegraph, telephone and electric light companies to place their wires underground.


    Require each utility operating in the city to file with the city such reports and other information pertaining to its operations that are required by its franchise agreement with the city, this Charter, city code, other applicable laws, or that may be required from time to time by the council.


    Fix appropriate penalties to enforce compliance with all rules and regulations enacted by the council.


    Give due notice and a fair hearing to persons or corporations to be affected by such rules and regulations before they shall be adopted.

(Ord. No. 2006-232, Amend. No. 22, 8-28-06, ratified 11-7-06; Ord. No. 2006-297, § 2, 10-3-06, ratified 11-7-06)