§ 3.02. Nominations.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any qualified person may have his or her name placed on the ballot as a candidate for councilmember by filing with the city secretary not more than ninety (90) days nor less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of election an application in substantially the following form:

    I, ___________, do hereby declare that I am a candidate for the Council of the City of Denton and request that my name be printed upon the official Ballot for that office in the next city election. I am aware of the nepotism law, chapter 573 of the Government Code. I am qualified to serve on the council with respect to the qualifications set forth in the Charter. I reside at ___________, Denton, Texas.



    The foregoing petition was filed with the City Secretary on the _____ day of ________, 19___.

    City Secretary



    As an alternative method, any qualified person may be nominated for councilmember by a written petition signed by the greater twenty five (25) qualified voters of the city or one-half of one percent of the total votes received by all candidates for mayor in the most recent mayoral general election, provided the candidate signs the petition certifying his or her acceptance. One such petition shall be circulated and signed for each nominee or candidate. With each signature shall be stated the place of residence of the signer, giving the street and number or other description sufficient to identify it. Nominating petitions shall be filed with the city secretary not more than ninety (90) days nor less than thirty (30) days before the election day, and shall be in substantially the following form:

    We, the undersigned electors of the City of Denton, hereby nominate ___________ whose residence address is ___________ as a candidate for councilmember of the City of Denton, to be voted for at the election to be held on the _____ day of ________, 19___; and we individually certify that we are qualified to vote for a candidate for the council.

    Name Address Date of Signing


    (Spaces for the greater twenty five (25) or one-half of one percent of the total votes received for candidates for Mayor signatures and required data)

    Acceptance of Nomination

    I am qualified to serve on the council of the City of Denton with respect to the qualifications set forth in this Charter. I hereby accept the nomination for councilmember and agree to serve if elected.

    Signature of Candidate   


    Statement of Circulator

    The undersigned is the circulator of the foregoing petition containing signatures. Each signature was appended thereto in my presence and is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be.

    Signature of Circulator   
    Address of Circulator   


    The foregoing petition was filed with the City Secretary on the _____ day of ___________, 19___.

    City Secretary   


(Ord. No. 99-057, Amend. No. 8, 2-16-99, ratified 5-1-99)